The Gong Show — Tallinn Fringe Preview show
It’s difficult to measure a comedian’s success by audience reaction alone, particularly in Estonia — and the Tallinn Fringe preview of The Gong Show, a global format that has finally…
It’s difficult to measure a comedian’s success by audience reaction alone, particularly in Estonia — and the Tallinn Fringe preview of The Gong Show, a global format that has finally…
I decided to give Isidora’s first solo hour a shot, as her show’s description was relatable, about leaving behind her roaring 20s and welcoming her ever-so-scary and serious 30s. So,…
On August 2nd and 3rd, the annual Printmaking In Festival took place in Pärnu, the summer capital of Estonia. This year, though, the festival was combined with Diverse Universe, a…
With fresh dill in hand and a pack of direct-from-the-farm sour cream, we’ve launched our platform — Sour Cream and Dill, an English review site for shows and events all…
I think we could all use a little magic sometimes. Some sparkle and wonder. Repetitive routines, pressing deadlines, and limited free time can sometimes turn our little lives a shade…
The Tell Me A Story stage show at Heldeke! Theatre-Bar in Tallinn on 17th December was a fantastic theatrical experience. From the moment I stepped foot into the cozy atmosphere…
Autumn has landed earlier in Tallinn, so to arrive at Heldeke in the evening means warming up a bit after a cold walk around the beautiful streets of Kalamaja. Sometimes…
Isn’t ‘psychedelic’ a word we all use way too much and in way too many wrong contexts? Surely, we’ve all overused it at times: like when we say something is…
Liability is a clear and loud title for a brand new stand-up show based precisely on that concept: liability on each one’s past. Kat Nip’s performance is not only committed and…
When I arrived at the opening night of the Ellen Meriny exhibition, I expected that the live presentation would be a lecture. I knew only that Ellen Meriny was a…